Street and Drainage GLO Grant 20065026c093

road repair

Welcome to the Street and Drainage grant information page.


In July 2019, the City of Santa Fe applied for the CDBG-DR grant through The Texas General Land Office under the Hurricane Harvey Disaster Recovery Program for the amount of $1,389,501.00 for street and drainage improvements for 21st Street through Avenue G 1/2. The City received notice of the award and signed a contract with the General Land Office in November of 2019.

This grant is being used for the street improvements and drainage along some of the streets that the water line improvement grant is being used for. After the new waterlines are installed, the drainage and street improvement project will start. The design phase is currently in process by Mercer Engineering. 

The Street Department, WCID8, and Drainage District #2 will be partnering up with major water/sewer, drainage, and road construction projects starting early January 2021 with grant funds from the Texas Department of Agriculture and the General Land Office. These projects are expected to last through October 2021. 


The GLO contract is below for viewing.