City Projects

Grant Applications

The City of Santa Fe is currently applying for multiple grants with the help of Grantworks and with the assistance of WCID#8 and Galveston County Drainage District #1.   These grants may assist in street repairs, drainage, sewer/water upgrades and repairs at the treatment plant. At this time we are still in the application process and beginning stages of the grants. We will update this information as it is received. 


Water, Sewer, Street and Drainage Rehabilitation

The City of Santa Fe, WCID#8, and Drainage District will be working together to rehab or reconstruct water, sewer, drainage and streets for a block containing 21st Street through 25th Street including Ave H and Ave I with grant money awarded in the amount of $350,000.00 from the Texas Department of Agriculture and $1,389,501.00 awarded from the General Land Office. This project will start early 2020.


Santa Fe Street Department will continue to trim trees, mow the right-of-ways, and improve the streets and drainage.


Please contact City Hall if you have questions or concerns regarding city projects.