Service Project Ideas


There are many ways to support the one-year mark in your school and community. Whether you are leading a service project, volunteering, fulfilling a community need or recognizing those in your community that has made exceptional contributions, this list of service project ideas can be used to help you participate in A Day of Service on May 17, 2019. This will be a day to give back to the community in honor of the students and staff who were lost one year ago.  

We encourage individuals, businesses, organizations, and even other communities to participate.  We also encourage to post pictures of your Acts of Service and Kindness and use the hashtag #wearesantafe.


  • Encourage employees to donate canned food items to help combat hunger in the community. Have staff and students gather to organize food products into categories, build boxes, and prepare food collection boxes.
  •  Organize a school supply drive for students experiencing homelessness.
  •  Identify a school or classroom that needs books and encourage student and employees to bring in age-appropriate or grade level books.
  •  Research a local landmark, such as a historical site or community park. After researching the history of the site, encourage students to brainstorm ways your class could improve the landmark for visitors while maintaining its historical integrity.
  •  Have students use their mathematical and measurement skills to put together dry cookie recipe mixes in donated jars. Gift the jars to local workers who make a difference in your community, such as nurses, firefighters, or police officers.
  •  Ask students to create video or audio podcasts discussing the importance of recycling and waste reduction. Post the podcasts on your school website for the wider community to learn more.
  • Have your students take the lead on planning and researching the garden and then presenting the information to the younger kids.
  • Have students show first responders and emergency volunteers gratitude by creating hand-made thank you cards for firefighters, police officers, Red Cross emergency personnel, and others in your community or somewhere a disaster or emergency has occurred.


  • Encourage employees to donate canned food items to help combat hunger in the community. Have staff and students gather and organize food products into categories, build boxes, and prepare food collection boxes.
  • Participate in community service through a variety of projects. Collect food for the local food pantry and clothing for the needy; assist senior citizens at a local assisted living facility; raise money through a Walk-a-Thon to help provide financing for transportation, and home visits for the elderly; and participating in the Make-a-Wish program for young patients.
  • Turn your talent and passion for anything into meaningful service for your community. Make use of friends, coworkers, and other networks to find others with similar interests to join you in service. Reach out to community leaders, program directors, teachers, and anyone else who might host you in providing this service.  
  • If you have performing experience, try using it for charity or in another volunteer capacity. Play free concerts at hospitals, senior homes, local schools, or other community centers and program. You could also offer to play accompaniment for local plays.
  • Organize a drive to donate blankets, socks, and gloves to keep the homeless in your community warm during the winter months.
  • Local animal shelters are always in need of volunteers even for simple tasks such as cleaning cages, answering phones, or making holiday decorations for the shelter waiting room.
  • Decorate duffel bags for foster children complete with a teddy bear, hygiene kit, and blanket.
  • Encourage employees to donate and collect toys to share with less fortunate children in your community.
  • Learn about the history of the community where you live. Identify cultural, religious or other diverse groups in your community. Discuss how you can learn about their culture and help promote awareness and respect.
  • Recruit friends and family to join you in a Galveston beach cleanup. Explain to them that no matter where they live—whether on the coast or miles inland—all waterways lead to the ocean. Nevertheless, taking action and working together, you can improve the bay’s health and make trash free seas a reality.